Association of Southeast Asian Nations


TopiC: Disaster Readiness and Epidemiology

Southeast Asia is one of the most disaster-affected regions in the world, and ASEAN member states find themselves more and more susceptible to unpredictable and severe natural disasters due to the impact of climate change and environmental degradation. ASEAN, as a committee, is responsible for devising strategic and flexible systems that support the region in times of disaster. This scope encompasses adequate preparation for potential disasters but also fast-acting solutions to the ramifications of disasters, not only addressing immediate effects but also secondary impacts like infectious disease outbreaks or financial shocks to local areas.

Furthermore, the rise of disasters in Southeast Asia has also driven issues like the rise of climate refugees in the region. Thus, it is important to establish measures that protect the most vulnerable populations during and after disasters. This focus also includes more than just the people living in Southeast Asia - the biodiversity of Southeast Asia is nearly unparalleled but is also greatly threatened by the unprecedented disasters that affect the region. There are many different angles to approaching this issue, and my hope is that you employ a variety of them to envision detailed and comprehensive solutions as a product of your time at conference.


Dear Delegates,

My name is Himani Yarlagadda, and I am incredibly excited to serve as your director of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations committee in HMUN 2025! I’m looking forward to meeting you all leading up to and during the conference. I’m originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan, and at Harvard, I am concentrating in Applied Mathematics with a focus in biological sciences along with a secondary in Global Health and Health Policy.

I was first introduced to Model UN in my freshman year of high school, and I’ve continued with it ever since. HMUN, in particular, holds a special place in my heart, being one of my favorite conferences that I attended in my senior year of high school. This past year, I served as an assistant director in Specialized Agencies during HMUN 2024 and as an Operations assistant director for HNMUN 2024, the collegiate MUN conference that Harvard runs. I am so excited to bring our collective passion for MUN and what it represents to ASEAN and HMUN.

Besides MUN, I am involved in Harvard’s Tech and Global Health Initiative and Strong Women Strong Girls community service program along with other scientific and policy-based groups on campus. In my spare time, I enjoy hunting down every good ice cream spot in the greater Boston area (I’m obsessed), taking walks around campus listening to the How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack (oddly specific, but if you haven’t heard it - definitely take a listen!), and having movie nights with my friends and suitemates. I hope that we’ll get the chance to get to know each other better throughout HMUN!

To me, Model UN has always represented a beautiful convergence of collaboration, research, creativity, and global affairs, and it is my hope that our committee will embody that. I’m looking forward to seeing how each of you utilize your specific country and bloc positions to devise unique solutions to our committee topic. Above all, I will look for delegates that are able to balance their own ideas with other delegates’ and actively integrate different solutions and perspectives with each other, when possible, to create a more comprehensive and stronger resolution. Diplomacy and compromise is the central pillar of Model UN, and I expect everyone in committee to embrace this spirit and to maintain a welcoming environment for each and every delegate.

The larger issue of disaster preparedness and management in Southeast Asia is a multi-faceted one, and I am excited to witness your debate and ideas emerge throughout the conference. While you all are preparing and counting down the days to HMUN, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns!


Himani Yarlagadda

Director, Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Harvard Model United Nations 2025