Economic and Financial Committee


Topic A: Post-Conflict Economic Reconstruction

Topic B: Global Shortages due to Trade Inefficiencies

Conflicts can decimate a country’s economy. Governments (especially if they, themselves are involved in the conflict) end up using up vast quantities of national resources, and directing focus to resolving the conflict instead of societal issues. Even though national economies are generally very broad, the collective economic action (or lack thereof) of both the government and its citizens creates an economically perilous situation. In normal circumstances, economies are expected to grow with time, whereas during a conflict, national economies stall or even decline. Thus, rebuilding an economy after a conflict is quite challenging, as governments are faced with the task of jumpstarting a national economy without sufficient resources.

Global shortages encompass widespread scarcities of crucial goods and resources affecting numerous sectors worldwide. These shortages arise from various factors, including supply chain disruptions due to events like the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions that lead to trade restrictions, and natural disasters impacting production. Additionally, shifts towards sustainable technologies increase demand for specific raw materials, creating supply bottlenecks. Economic fluctuations and consumer behavior changes, such as hoarding during uncertainties, also contribute to these shortages. These global scarcities pose significant challenges, leading to inflation, impeding economic growth, and necessitating international cooperation to enhance supply chain resilience and diversification of production sources to stabilize global markets.


Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the Economic and Financial Committee at HMUN 2025! My name is Jai Glazer and I’m going to be your chair for this committee. I’m super excited to meet all of you!

I’m originally from New York City and am a sophomore here at Harvard studying Social Studies. I did Model UN from 7th grade all the way through my senior year, attending a few day conferences per year in middle school and four 4-day conferences per year as a high schooler (including HMUN)! Model UN was one of the highlights of my high school experience and I’m excited for my second year on the other side of the dais chairing you all.

Outside of MUN, I love all things music and am an avid sports fan. I’m a big health and fitness person and I spent a month during the summer training Muay Thai at a gym in Phuket! Lastly, one of my biggest passions in life is food, so please let me know if you have anything adventurous you think I should try.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all debate these topics and come up with a myriad of well-researched solutions to address them. Both post-conflict economic reconstruction and global shortages can be fairly dense topics, so as such, if you have any questions about the topics, committee, or just want to introduce yourself, please feel free to reach out! I’m looking forward to meeting you all and get hype for January!


Jai Glazer

Director, Economic and Financial Committee

Harvard Model United Nations 2025