Hi everyone!
My name is Abdullah Shahid Sial, and I am from Lahore, Pakistan. By the time you see this, I will (hopefully) be a sophomore at the College. I am planning to pursue (also hopefully) a double concentration in Economics and Applied Mathematics with a focus in Physics. I am as excited as one can be to serve as the Director for HMUN’s FIFA Council!
Back in high school, I used to compete in the Pakistani circuit but unlike many of my peers here at Harvard, I do not compete in Model UN conferences at college. After serving as the Assistant Director at HNMUN 2024, I will direct two committees in HMUN and HNMUN in 2025. Apart from this, I am involved with the Harvard Undergraduate Robotics Club (HURC) and an organizer for Pakistan Trek by HCPSA. I also enjoy playing for the Harvard Cricket Club (I can talk about cricket all day!)
As far as the committee is concerned, the FIFA Council serves as the strategic and decision-making body of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), overseeing the global administration of football. Our committee will focus on addressing key issues related to the sport, including governance reforms, development programs, financial transparency, and organizing the FIFA World Cup once every 4 years. In this committee, delegates will simulate the roles of FIFA Council members to debate on the practicality of hosting the World Cup in certain countries while also preserving the sanctity of the sport.
I am an extremely flexible Director and will be more than happy to make life as easy for you as possible while still protecting the integrity of the conference. My focus will be more on the quality of debate, the level of engagement with other delegates, and evolution of discussion. Personally, I am really passionate about learning how sporting councils administer different sports across the world and hope everyone shares similar levels of curiosity!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone soon! In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to direct them at me.
Abdullah Shahid Sial
Director, FIFA Organizing Committee, 2023 CE
Harvard Model United Nations 2025