Dear Delegates,
My name is Ved Pant, and I am honored to serve as your director of NATO at HMUN 2025. I am from Mumbai, India, where I first tried Model UN in middle school. At Harvard, I hope to study Applied Mathematics in Economics and History, if those respective departments allow such a combination (I don’t know why, but I have yet to ask).
One of my first Model UN experiences as a middle schooler, in fact, was at HMUN’s conference in India, which first introduced me to Harvard’s format of Model UN, many years before I applied to and began attending the university. As such, I was in your shoes just a few years ago, which makes me all the more excited to see how you all use this opportunity to grow, both at and beyond the conference. At Harvard, I compete for and am the Training Director of our Intercollegiate Model UN Team, serve as a director at our collegiate conferences, HNMUN and HMUN India, and serve as the Under-Secretary-General of Operations for our conference HMUN Dubai. I am a very active member of our Model UN community here, and the thing I love most about our Model UN program is how it can transform people’s perception of and styles of MUN; I look forward to seeing how you all adapt to the HMUN format, given your diverse backgrounds.
Apart from Model UN, I am involved in a few other clubs and organizations on campus. I am training as a consultant at our college consulting group and as a manager at The Harvard Shop, a set of student run merchandise retailers. I also play cricket for the Kennedy School Cricket Team, averaging a scary 3+ wides per over (read: I am terrible at this sport, or in baseball terms, I pitch only balls, no strikes. Ever.) and club/intramural futsal.
Given the broad scope of our agenda, I am eager to see where you direct your focus and how you all shape committee through your moderated caucus topics and paperwork. In this specific committee, I do not plan to enforce a narrow reading or interpretation of our topic. Rather, I hope you all run with the agenda and develop it naturally as committee progresses, in a way that would be most conducive to fruitful debate and discussion.
Once again, I am thrilled to serve as your director this coming spring! Feel free to reach out to me or our Under-Secretary-General, Addison Gaddy, if you have any questions or concerns. See you soon!
Ved Pant
Director, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Harvard Model United Nations 2025