Special Political and Decolonization Committee

Double Delegation


Topic A: Maritime Piracy

Topic B: Climate Migration

Modern maritime piracy is defined by an illegal act of violence or hijacking committed for the private ends of a crew of a private ship or aircraft. And piracy still poses a credible threat today, especially in regions such as the Americas and Caribbean Islands, as well as the Southeast Asia and Pacific. This committee will decide on how to deal with rising world piracy. While legislation on maritime piracy exists, this committee will focus on establishing an intercontinental task force to find a modern solution to a century old problem.

There are a myriad of consequential issues coming from climate change, one of the more serious ones being climate migrants. Due to increasingly intense and erratic weather patterns people are being displaced from their homes, whether from flooding, drought or destruction caused by storms. Particularly at-risk countries are islands in the Asia-Pacific, and sub-Saharan Africa. This committee will focus on creating a framework for how countries that are the main contributors to climate change can accommodate this new influx of migrants that are often from countries who had the least to contribute to climate change. The increasing immigrant crisis is causing a faith in authority crisis in western countries, and this committee will have to navigate the pull of domestic versus international interests.


My wise and wonderful Delegates,

I’m honoured to welcome you to the Special Political and Decolonisation Committee, for Harvard’s 76th Model United Nations Conference.

My name is Mae Weir, I’m a member of the Intercollegiate Model United Nations team pursuing a degree in Government, with a secondary in French. I am a sophomore at the college, living in Eliot House. I’m originally from the north-west countryside of Ireland. At Harvard, when not competing for our collegiate team, I enjoy staffing our High school and collegiate conferences and I’m a director of our Model Security Council which organises freshman recruitment to International Relations clubs. Outside of MUN, I’m a little bit of a film buff, and I’m addicted to putting outrageous bids on eBay.

As a double delegate committee, you will not only be evaluated on your individual performance, but more importantly your ability to work as a team. I’m excited to see the dynamic partnerships you have and how you use them to have a positive impact on the committee. The two topics that you will decide were chosen to ensure that every country in this committee has a stake in the outcome of your resolutions. I’m looking forward to your productive conversations and innovative solutions to these contemporary issues.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Mae Weir

Director, Special Political and Decolonization Committee


Harvard Model United Nations 2025