De-Nile is a River in Egypt: The Court of Cleopatra, 47 BCE


In 47 BCE, Egypt's fate hangs in the balance. Cleopatra VII, reinstated alongside her brother Ptolemy XIII after exile, faces a pivotal moment. Caught between Rome's ambitions and internal strife, Cleopatra's trusted advisors will have to address the immediate challenges to Cleopatra's power, including securing the loyalty of the Egyptian people, managing relations with Rome, and establishing alliances that will strengthen her position both domestically and abroad. This committee of advisors will be charged with ensuring a safe and prosperous Egypt, no matter what might unfold…



My name is Signe Smith, and I am beyond excited to be acting as your director for this Crisis Committee at HMUN 2024! I hail from the east side of Detroit, Michigan, and am completing a joint concentration in Social Studies and Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations with a secondary in Educational Studies. 

My journey in Model UN began in middle school, sparking a profound passion for global issues and diplomacy. From the research and wealth of topics I have been exposed to, to the friendships and connections I have made, I have had nothing but amazing experiences in this community both as a competitor and staffer on the college circuit. 

Beyond Model UN I enjoy journalism and research. I am a bit of a sci-fi nerd and love everything from Star Wars, Marvel, and DC to Avatar the Last Airbender! You can often find me knitting, killing my ear drums while blasting Laufey on my Sony XM4s, playing 2048, or re-reading The Hunger Games. However most of all, I LOVE drinking caffeine. Throughout this conference please be prepared to see me chug my fair share of coffee and tea!

As we embark on this committee, I am eager to witness your innovation, collaboration, and creativity. As someone who has found a great community within MUN, I will look towards delegates who foster this sense of community through not just their research and imaginative prowess, but how they embrace the spirit of community by actively engaging with and supporting fellow delegates. This topic is of special personal interest to me because, let's be honest, Cleopatra was THAT girl! No matter how you choose to tackle this topic and make moves to change history, I hope you get as much fun out of this committee as I will chairing it. 

I can’t wait to step into the room with you all this upcoming winter, and if there are any questions or concerns you all have please do not hesitate to contact me!

Wishing you all the best,

Signe Smith

Director, De-Nile is a River in Egypt: The Court of Cleopatra, 47 BCE

Harvard Model United Nations 2025



Dear Delegates,

I am excited to welcome you to HMUN 2024 and look forward to serving as your Crisis Director!

A little bit about me: I grew up not far from Harvard in Sharon, MA, a small suburb about 40 minutes outside of Boston, and it’s great to welcome you to Massachusetts if this is your first time visiting! I am a Junior at the College studying philosophy. I have an especially strong interest in political philosophy, social theory, and the history of 19th and 20th century European thought. 

Although I never did MUN in high school, I joined Harvard's Intercollegiate Model United Nations team in my first semester and have since had a wonderful time traveling to cities like New York, DC, and Montréal and building community with newfound friends. Outside of MUN, I serve on the board of the Harvard Review of Philosophy, an undergraduate-run professional academic journal, I am an opinion writer for The Crimson, our student newspaper, and I also enjoy playing folk music in my free time.

I am looking forward to a great weekend full of vibrant debate, discussion, collaboration, and most of all—as a crisis committee—creativity. As your Crisis Director, I cannot wait to see how you all take on a fast-paced committee and use your backroom powers to make committee all the more exciting. At the same time, as a competitor myself, I know that conference weekends are not just exciting, but also stressful. I won’t pretend that you can simply ignore the stress, but I hope you are able to put at least some of it aside and have a fun, rewarding conference and connect with the diverse group of incredibly talented delegates you will be spending these four days with. 

See you in 47 BCE! 


Allison Farrell

Crisis Director, De-Nile is a River in Egypt: The Court of Cleopatra, 47 BCE

Harvard Model United Nations 2025