United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, 2009 CE


TopiC: The 2007 United States Salmonella Outbreak

In the United States, unfortunately, food-related recalls and outbreaks are common. However in 2007-2008, there was a salmonella outbreak more injurious than other outbreaks of its kind in recent years. Due to this outbreak, over 700 were sickened and there were some casualties. It was determined the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) was to be held responsible. While Big Ag (industry) is dealing with lawsuits and corporate accountability issues, the government has decided to step in and try to devise a solution to this recurring problem. The current year is 2009. The US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry is examining the federal food safety oversight with regards to the peanut products recall.

Expanding on the nature of a committee filled with characters from all across the country, diverse perspectives and differing political ideologies/goals will be present. As recalls are still on the rise, it is of the utmost importance for delegates to discuss the effectiveness of current safety procedures - from consumption to production. Additionally, how the federal government can best help the FDA and USDA deal with jurisdictional overlap and policy. Delegates within this committee will be tasked with working together to pass laws that can benefit all states while simultaneously showing how their state’s own policies can uniquely affect federal policy. I cannot wait to see the creative and operative solutions this committee will find to this seemingly everlasting problem.


Hi everyone!

My name is Sophia Mills and I am so excited to be acting as your director for the 2008 Senate Committee at HMUN! I am from Boca Raton, Florida and am completing a joint concentration in Government and Economics (maybe) with a secondary in Romance Languages and Civilizations (eu estou estudando português :))

My journey in Model UN started my freshman year when my roommate took me to an info meeting and I was hooked. The sense of community and topics covered really intrigued me and I decided to give it a try! Now, I compete on the college circuit, which is an amazing experience, and I have met so many amazing people on this new venture.

Beyond Model UN, I am a part of the political review and Caribbean club (big up Trinidad/Dominica). I LOVE to watch tv shows/movies (please give me recs). Anywhere from Marvel to reality tv is right up my alley! You can often find me watching insta reels or listening to show tunes - I am a bit of a theater kid…

As we embark on this committee, I am eager to witness your innovation, collaboration, and passion. As someone who has found a great community within MUN, I will look towards delegates who foster this sense of community through not just their research prowess, but how they embrace the spirit of community by actively engaging with and supporting fellow delegates. This topic is fun so get excited!

I can't wait to step into the room with you all this upcoming winter, and if there are any questions or concerns you all have please do not hesitate to contact me!

Don’t forget the recs,

Sophia Mills

Director, United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, 2007 CE


Harvard Model United Nations 2025