United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs


Topic: Satellite Security in Space

Space settlement through the use of satellites is a burgeoning frontier being explored by international governments and private companies. This initiative aims to establish a sustainable human presence beyond Earth, leveraging satellites for communication, resource management, and national security. Governments are collaborating through entities like NASA and the European Space Agency, while private companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin are driving technological innovations and reducing costs. The effort promises advancements in global communications, disaster management, and climate monitoring. However, it also raises concerns about space debris, international regulations, and the equitable distribution of space resources. Delegates in this committee will be expected to utilize their diplomacy and ingenuity to expand upon, critique, and create new regulations that effectively address space settlement.


Dear Delegates,

Hi! My name is Marissa Strong, and I am thrilled (and equally anxious) to be your director of UNOOSA for HMUN 2025! I’m from the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area and am concentrating in Government with a secondary in Sociology.

I am fairly new to the world of Model UN but have grown to love the experience. As a competitive person and ex-athlete, Model UN has tested me in ways I could not have imagined while teaching me about the importance of diplomacy and balanced relationships.

Outside of Model UN, you can find me anywhere from a heated spades match to the quietest corner of our library. I live for spontaneity and excitement but sometimes I just want a hot tea with some Lofi girl playing in the background. Occasionally, I’ll binge Suits or an anime (just finished Goodnight, world – 8/10). On campus, I’m involved in affinity groups and leadership boards, and I run my own hair business!

I hope to see a competitive, yet respectful, committee. The topics at hand are challenging and I will not tolerate any disregard for emotions, nor will I tolerate sexism, homophobia, or ignorance. I encourage in-depth research and innovative solutions that are captivating and tasteful. This will produce thoughtful conversations and I look forward to your ideas!

See you soon,

Marissa Strong

Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs


Harvard Model United Nations 2025