Dear Delegates,
Hi! My name is Marissa Strong, and I am thrilled (and equally anxious) to be your director of UNOOSA for HMUN 2025! I’m from the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area and am concentrating in Government with a secondary in Sociology.
I am fairly new to the world of Model UN but have grown to love the experience. As a competitive person and ex-athlete, Model UN has tested me in ways I could not have imagined while teaching me about the importance of diplomacy and balanced relationships.
Outside of Model UN, you can find me anywhere from a heated spades match to the quietest corner of our library. I live for spontaneity and excitement but sometimes I just want a hot tea with some Lofi girl playing in the background. Occasionally, I’ll binge Suits or an anime (just finished Goodnight, world – 8/10). On campus, I’m involved in affinity groups and leadership boards, and I run my own hair business!
I hope to see a competitive, yet respectful, committee. The topics at hand are challenging and I will not tolerate any disregard for emotions, nor will I tolerate sexism, homophobia, or ignorance. I encourage in-depth research and innovative solutions that are captivating and tasteful. This will produce thoughtful conversations and I look forward to your ideas!
See you soon,
Marissa Strong
Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Harvard Model United Nations 2025